Sleep. How to do it better. 😴

Sleep. How to Do it Better.

Written by Stenovate

September 8, 2022

Tired of counting sheep?  Here are some of Stenovate’s top tips on how to catch some more Zzzs (and how to make some more money too! 💸💸💸)


Why Are We Talking About Sleep?


Scientists aren’t really sure why we sleep, but they do know that it is critically important to our health and our sanity.  Some pretty important brain functions occur during the different stages of sleep such as memory, problem-solving, and repair of cells.


Ideally, the average human needs anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.  Are you getting that much?  According to the CDC, more than 35% of Americans aren’t getting enough sleep. 


35% of Americans aren’t getting enough sleep


So what can we do to change that?


Top Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep


We’ve scoured the internet and came up with some tips on things you can do to fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer.


  • Maintain a similar sleep schedule every night 


  • Limit caffeinated beverages after noon (they’re joking… Right?? ☕☕☕)


  • Avoid daytime naps 😴


  • Limit screen time before bed – Blue light is known to affect your circadian rhythm.  If that’s not an option, try changing your settings to a nighttime mode that has more yellow light


  • Find a way to de-stress! Maybe this involves taking a bath, reading a book, meditating or praying, or doing yoga! 


But maybe you’re thinking, well, I just need more hours in the day! If I only had more time to get all my transcripts done, I wouldn’t be up so late finishing those pages! 


Well, you’re in luck!  Stenovate is just the tool you need to put your mind at ease and get those pages covered FAST!



How Stenovate Can Help


Stenovate is a one-stop shop for everything transcript production.  We have job boards where you’ll look for team members, reviews that will help you vet them, and a chat feature to easily communicate with them about their availability.  For each job, there’s a space dedicated for all of those details too.  Your scopist and proofreader will have all the information they need in one place to get the job done exactly the way you want it! 


And perhaps my favorite feature (though I may be a little biased) is the ability of your scopist and proofreader to update their progress as they go.  This gives you the peace of mind that your transcript is well on its way to perfection and allows you to sleep easier knowing your pages are in good hands.


But what’s the best part of having a transcript production team?  Now that your pages are covered and you’re well rested, you’re free to take on even more jobs and make even more money!  Don’t believe me?!  Check out our Productivity Calculator to see how much more money you’ll be making!


Ready to give yourself more time for some well-deserved rest?   Join our growing community on Stenovate.  The first month is FREE!


More Pages. Less Hassle.

Stenovate simplifies transcript management to help busy reporters, scopists, and proofreaders to produce more pages with less hassle.

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More Pages. Less Hassle.

Stenovate simplifies transcript management to help busy reporters, scopists, and proofreaders to produce more pages with less hassle.

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Built for Individuals or Transcript Teams

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