Court Reporter Shortage: Bridging the Gap


Written by Stenovate

April 22, 2022

Every stenographer, scopist, and proofreader knows about the court reporting shortage…unless you’ve literally been living under a rock without Internet.  And it would be really hard to do our jobs without the lnternet. 

You’ve likely heard about the Ducker Report, which states that there will be a shortage of approximately 5,500 court reporters by the year 2018.  Bad News Bears:  No in-depth studies have been done since the release of this report, but we know one thing for certain.  Stenographers are swamped.  

And while we are SUPER excited about the opening of new schools and a big bump in enrollment numbers from programs like NCRA’s A-Z and Project Steno, we can all recognize that student enrollment isn’t an immediate fix.

While these programs are fabulous for creating awareness about our unique and rewarding profession, there must be something we can do right NOW to bridge the reporter shortage and cover more jobs with certified stenographers. But how do we cover more work (with the same number of court reporters) without sacrificing our personal schedules, our health, and – frankly – our sanity?


What can we do now?


The answer is two-fold. 


Step 1 – GET ORGANIZED.  You can’t do Step 2 without having a system in place for knowing what needs to get done and then having a plan to execute your deliverables (ahem – transcripts) on time!


Step 2 – DELEGATE to scopists and proofreaders!  The absolute, hands-down BEST way to cover more work (and increase your income) is by handing off the tasks that can (and should) be done by someone else, allowing you to focus on your unique talents (which happen to be extremely high in demand). 


When you work efficiently with scopists and proofreaders, several things happen:  

  • More free time (Amen!)
  • Opportunity to accept more jobs (while actually working less)
  • Profit per hour SKYROCKETS 🚀


How can Stenovate help?


Enter Stenovate.  Because we care deeply about the steno community, the integrity of the record, and the future of our profession, we make organizing your workload and delegating to top-notch scopists and proofreaders seamless and easy.  See everything on your plate, invite scopists and proofreaders to your transcript workspace, transfer files, instant message, receive real-time notifications, and track progress every step of the way.  Hello, Transcript Boss! 💅


But isn’t it scary handing over control of your transcripts to someone else? 😱 Definitely…if you’re hiring blind.


Stenovate has a rating system that helps you vet scopists and/or proofreaders. There are numerous individuals with multiple 5-star reviews (and we are so proud and grateful for their rockstar work quality)!  Learn more about Stenovate’s rating system here. 


Still on the fence? We get it. You really have to try it to experience the full benefits of this one-stop-shop. That’s why we have a full 30-day FREE TRIAL, which gives you access to everything that Stenovate has to offer.  See for yourself how so many reporters are covering more pages with less hassle and staying #StenoStrong.  💪


More Pages. Less Hassle.

Stenovate simplifies transcript management to help busy reporters, scopists, and proofreaders to produce more pages with less hassle.

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More Pages. Less Hassle.

Stenovate simplifies transcript management to help busy reporters, scopists, and proofreaders to produce more pages with less hassle.

All-In-One Transcript Management Collaboration Platform

Share Files with Ease

Track Progress from Start to Finish

Built for Individuals or Transcript Teams

Scoping & Proofing Job Boards

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